Current Project

『 Drawing Life, Capturing Time

Jun - Aug 2024

Drawing Life Sesssion

Explore the beauty of the human form through the timeless art of figure sketching. All skill levels welcome. Grab your pencils and join us for an evening of creative inspiration. We are one minute from Wong Chuk Hang MTR station.  Easels and drawing materials provided.

Date: 20/6/2024 & 27/6/2024

Time: 7:30-9:30pm

Location: Wong Chuk Hang (Address will be sent after registration)

Fee: $250/head/session*$230 for early bird (pay before 14 June)

Please DM or leave message for registration

IG @lifedrawing_inbetween

FB @lifedrawinginbetween

Gallery In-between

We are an interior architecture studio / art space situated at The Factory in Wong Chuk Hang, an industrial building built in 1976.  Formerly an obscure manufacturing district, this southern district of Hong Kong has evolved to encompass a pulsing art scene, home to creatives and artists. 

Gallery In-between has many functions: the grand entrance of In-between Architects, an event space for meeting with clients, workshop and art exhibition.  It has a 4m x 8m exhibition space and with a virtual gallery coming soon.  

We aim to be an art platform to promote local art scene.  We are constantly seeking artists who wish to hold solo or group exhibitions in our space.  Holding exhibitions is usually costly and very burdensome for young artists.  We aim to provide affordable art space for the time being to solve such problem.  We will also send information to our guests before the event.  It is also possible to hold a reception in the gallery.

For proposal submission, and knowing more about our gallery, please contact us at

Address: Unit 1102, The Factory, 1 Yip Fat Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong

Opening hours is Tuesday to Saturday from 12:00pm till 7:00pm.  Holidays by appointment only.

IG: gallery_inbetween


2023.07 - 2024.03                                           Lumpur-Nanjing-Hong Kong Roving Architecture Exhibition by HKIA

2023.04.29 - 04.30                                        After Sunset at the Fringe, Central

2023.04.29 - 04.30                                         Project Oikwan In-progress, Cheung Chau

2022.07.29 - 08.13 (Fri & Sat only)          "In — Between" by Phoboko

2023.0703 - 07.18 (Sat & Sun only)         alined by Jully Woo

Past Exhibition

Project Oikwan

April 2023 - March 2024


Oi Kwan Barbers in Wan Chai is a 60-year-old traditional Cantonese alleyway barbershop, one of the last handful of its kind remaining.  Started by the late Master Lau, his son Mark inherited his father’s craftsmanship and maintains the shop in its original form. This is our ground zero whereby we invite artists and designers to create artwork in response to it. We also digitally archive the shop so that one day it may still exist in virtual reality even if lost to our physical one.

Together, we tell the story of a place, a craft, and a family - through exhibitions, artist talks, performances, workshops and books.  Project Oikwan proposes an alternative methodology for urban preservation and archiving of our collective memory, a journey in heritage innovation.



About the Organizers

Project Oikwan is a collaborative effort between Oi Kwan Barbers, Gallery In-between and Cheung Chau Wave

'We use Oi Kwan Barbers as our testing ground zero, inviting artists to experience and create art in various forms at the shop and alleyway with references to the history and community of Wan Chai. Through this project, we aim to re-imagine preservation and recreate a new kind of collective memories.' 


IG @aftersunsetfestival

More Info:

The Exhibitions

Lumpur-Nanjing-Hong Kong Roving Architecture Exhibition

First Stop in Rumah Tangsi in Kuala Lumpur, 22 Jul - 7 Aug 2023

Second Stop in Nanjing, Oct 2023

After Sunset at The Fringe, Nov 2023

Final Stop in Airside, Hong Kong, Mar 2024

Past Exhibition


July 2023


3-4, 10-11, 17-18 July 2023

A line is not only a common starting point for artistic expression, but also serves to connect disparate points, bringing order and coherence to a drawing. "alined" presents a collection of pieces by visual artist Jully Woo that take the viewer on a journey through her unique style of line drawing. Through her art, Jully explores and interprets the world around us, infusing her works with raw emotion and unexpected abstract forms. Her masterful use of lines, colours, shapes, and rhythms on paper breathes new life into the practice of life drawing, uncovering beauty in the unconventional and fostering compassion for the world around us.

About the Artist

Jully Woo (b. 1970) is a former fashion designer and fashion illustrator with over 20 years of experience. Growing up in Hong Kong, she began drawing portraits, figures, and still life at the young age of 10. After pursuing a BA (Hon.) in Fashion Design at Central Saint Martins College of Art in the UK, Jully began to develop her own unique and powerful style of drawing, characterized by her keen sense of movement, volume, space, and lines. Though self-taught in painting, Jully has already received recognition in international art competitions since 2020. By blending her Chinese roots and culture with her intuitive lines, expressive strokes, and spectrum of colours, she has developed a distinctive signature style. * All flower pieces by Ikebana Artist, Jennie Wei

Artist Talk

Week 1

A Journey of Line + Mindfulness Drawing by Jully Woo, Jul 1st

Week 2

Floral Piece Demo by Ikebana Artist Jennie Wei, Jul 10th

Week 3

'alined in Harmony: A Fusion of line and sound' by Jully Woo x Jennifer Yim, Jul 17th

Closing Talk, 'From Dot to Line, Life and Death' by Jully Woo xLiu Xian, Jul 18th

Past Exhibition

In — Between

July - August 2022

Venue: Gallery In-between

Unit 1102 The Factory, 1 Yip Fat Street, Wong Chuk Hang, HK

29th Jul (Fri.) – 30th Jul (Sat.), 2022

5th Aug (Fri.) – 6th Aug (Sat.), 2022

12th Aug (Fri.) – 13th Aug (Sat.), 2022

Hours 12:00 - 19:00

Gallery In-between is pleased to present “In — Between”, a group exhibition by Phoboko.

[Exhibition Statement]

Photography is usually viewed as amedium of individual expression through personalised tool use. However,Phoboko’s first group project has now coincided with Gallery In-between’sinaugural exhibition to challenge such norms. Instead of working individuallyand presenting images which reflect this, this project intends to explore theinherently social and fluid nature of photography.

Four approaches to photographing the“In — Between” emerged between pairs which then merged into intensecollaborative group sessions. Like a hybrid flower, symbolically representingthis ephemeral concept initially bloomed within the group. Emerging imagesshowed objects both out of place and naturally overlooked. However, the “In —Between” was also located through bodies intimately bound to each other. Theseinterpersonal and bodily interactions signified a gap between the intuited andthe representational. Looking beyond the symbolic, attention also turnedtowards the social mechanics where the “In — Between” also find its existencein daily life.

Reconciling such diverse approaches wasnot easy. However, recognising differences helped to thread these ideastogether. Differences of opinion in motivation, authorship, and aestheticpreference emerged through ideation, shooting, editing and curation of theexhibition you see here. This exhibition intends to communicate the complexityof practising photography collaboratively. The “In — Between” is now embodiedthrough this very invitation to participate in our process. This topic is ripefor your input with a living document; one revealing collaborative photographyin-action.

攝影常被視為一個表達個性的媒介,很個人化的工具,但閾限谷的首個作業正是要挑戰這個規範。適逢 Gallery In-Between 的開幕展覽,閾限谷嘗試摒棄這種單獨的個體影像,並探索攝影內在本質的社交性和流動性。

In— Between 的創作由四對組合先找尋自己的方向,然後再一起集合創作元素。一朵混種花卉,最初在小組中綻放,象徵著這個 In — Between 的概念。浮現的圖像當中有經常被錯置或忽視的物件。然而,In — Between 也出現於人與人和身體之間的親密互動,從而象徵直覺和表象之間的差距。創作亦審視存於日常生活中的 In — Between

處理分歧並不容易,但差異有助於將這些想法連貫起來。透過展覽的構思、拍攝、編輯和策展,觀眾更了解創作者於動機、著作權和審美偏好上的區別。是次展覽旨在展現合作攝影在實踐上的複雜性。 In — Between 現正邀請你和我們一起互動創作!

ParticipatingArtists 參展藝術家

MichelleChan 陳韻芝 

JeremyCheung 張俊謙

SiuDing 小丁


ToryHo 何灝翹



JimiTsang 曾冠群

Presentedby 主辦


For media information, please contact

Curation Instructions

Narrate your own “In — Between”.

Our collaborative processes are now open for your participation. From several hundred, we have chosen a subset of preferred images. We feel these best exemplify the differing approaches to the “In — Between” which emerged from our efforts. Yet we are also curious about how YOU may narrate the “In — Between”.

Please curate and sequence your own choice of images and attach them in the empty zine books provided. Use the pens to add as much written detail as you want. Rather than the wall, create within the confines that the book provides. Then, leave them in the gallery for us and others to see and be influenced by.


敍述你的 In — Between。

我們邀請你參與我們的共同創作:我們從幾百張圖像中篩選出一些作品。我們認為那些圖像最能體現 In — Between 不同創作方法,而我們想知你會怎樣敍述 In — Between。


©2019 In-between Architects Ltd
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